Ph. +39 0465 89 80 56
The CMS squaring machine was studied for the four sides squaring of the planchet of variable length and diameter from 80 to 150 with an only passage, avoiding so the use of two multi-blades.
It is complete of a singularize for the maintenance of the warehouse, it is made up of a group for the mechanical insertion of the planchet in the machine, where four cutters break wood shavings autocentering handled by a 7,5kw motors that make the squaring with an optimal finish and a great precision.
This machine can be also inserted in the processing line of the planchet where the squared short beam are transported on a wooden blocks cutting machine MT-MA/1 tt, which allows to cut blocks or short beam with a standard length till 1200mm.
Made this passage it is possible to sort the blocks from beams that can be carry on a multi-blade obtaining so the clapboards at the desired measure.